Assignment name:
Operational Snow Monitoring using MODSNOW in Central and South Asia |
Name of Client:
Duration of assignment (months):
Start date (month/year): November 2022 Completion date (month/year): Ongoing |
Implementing partners, if any:
Country: Central and South Asian countries: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bhutan
Role on the Assignment: Consultant |
Description of Project:
The project focuses on the importance of snow in hydrological processes in Central Asia (later in South Asia), highlighting its significant contribution to total water formation in some river basins. Within this project we monitor the snow accumulation and melt to improve hydrological forecasting and early drought warning in the region. The study presents a simple approach for developing an operational snow monitoring system, successfully implemented at the hydrometeorological service of Tajikistan. Our approach within this project enables daily monitoring of snow in mountainous regions, utilizing data from MODIS for snow cover area, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE), snow depth, and daily snowmelt. |
Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment: