Assignment name:

Development of Sectoral and Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plans in Uzbekistan

Name of Client:

United Nations Development Programme

Duration of assignment (months): 10

Start date (month/year): October 2022

Completion date (month/year): August 2023

Implementing partners, if any:


Country: Uzbekistan

Role on the Assignment: Consultant

Description of Project:

On this project we prepared a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for Uzbekistan that focuses on addressing the country’s water management challenges within the Aral Sea Basin, particularly considering reliance on transboundary rivers and the dominance of agriculture in water usage. The plan aims to bolster the water sector’s adaptation capacity, identify vulnerabilities, and propose strategies for reducing risks and enhancing resilience. It encompasses various measures, including the adoption of water-saving technologies, digitalization of the water sector, and optimization of hydropower energy generation, to achieve goals such as improving water use efficiency and ensuring safe water availability. Collaboration with stakeholders, data analysis, and structured interviews informed the plan’s development, which integrates structural and non-structural measures and emphasizes cooperation at different societal levels.

Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:

  • Facilitated collaboration with relevant stakeholders and experts to gather input, insights, and support for the development of the NAP.
  • Conducted comprehensive data collection and analysis to assess water resource availability, usage patterns, vulnerabilities, and potential adaptation measures.
  • Engaged in structured interviews with key stakeholders to gather perspectives, identify challenges, and inform the development of adaptation strategies.
  • Developed strategies and actions aimed at enhancing the water management sector’s adaptation capacity, addressing vulnerabilities, and promoting resilience to climate change impacts.
  • Proposed technical adaptation measures such as enhancing drinking water supply, implementing satellite technology for leak detection, and constructing wastewater treatment facilities to improve water management.
  • Provided recommendations for improving the institutional, regulatory, and strategic framework, including integrating climate change adaptation into existing policies and enhancing cooperation in the water sector within Central Asia and with the European Union.
  • Identified the need for capacity building efforts to enhance knowledge and skills in water management, irrigation technologies, digital technologies, and data interpretation among relevant stakeholders.
  • Summarized the NAP’s objectives, strategies, and targets in a clear and concise manner, emphasizing its importance in strengthening adaptation to climate change and fostering a sustainable and resilient water sector in Uzbekistan.

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