Assignment name:

Enhancing snow accumulation and snowmelt monitoring in Central Asia

Name of Client:

World Bank

Duration of assignment (months): 11

Start date (month/year): April 2022

Completion date (month/year): March 2023

Implementing partners, if any:


Country: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

Role on the Assignment: Consultant

Description of Project:

The project aims to enhance snow accumulation and snowmelt monitoring in Central Asia, focusing on developing a simplified and less data-intensive approach. It builds upon the strategic initiative launched within the framework of the Central Asian Hydrological Monitoring Project (CAHMP) in 2020. During the assignment, the consultant provided crucial support in refining and testing the snowmelt approach in five carefully selected pilot river basins.

Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:

  • Developed a simple and less data-demanding snowmelt approach.
  • Tested the previously developed snowmelt approach in five selected pilot river basins during the assignment.
  • Conducted an inception workshop to introduce the project to the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) of Central Asian countries.
  • Implemented the snow accumulation and snowmelt approach for the river basins.
  • Organized a summary workshop to present the achieved results to NMHS representatives and a representative from the World Bank

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