Innovative Water and Environmental Solutions (IWES) is proud to announce its collaboration with Hydrosolutions (Switzerland) on the SAPPHIRE project – Smart & Precise Prognostic Hydrology for Innovative Risk Management and Resource Use Efficiency in Central Asia. Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation, this groundbreaking initiative aims to revolutionize hydrological monitoring systems across Central Asia.

Despite previous investments in Central Asian National Hydromets (CA NMHS), institutions have faced challenges in leveraging new technologies to their full potential. IWES recognizes the critical need to address these issues, particularly in processing data from modern gauging stations and optimizing high-frequency data management for accurate hydrological forecasts.

The SAPPHIRE project kickoff workshop, held in Bishkek from April 13–14, 2023, marked the beginning of this transformative journey. Dr. Abror Gafurov actively participated in discussions aimed at enhancing hydrological services through improved data processing and control mechanisms.
Over the course of the 4-year project, IWES will work closely with Hydrosoltuions to implement cutting-edge tools and methodologies. Initially focusing on the Kyrgyz NMHS, Hydrosolutions with IWES aim to achieve significant advancements in operational hydrology workflows before extending these innovations to Kazakh, Uzbek, and Tajik NMHS.


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