Central Asia is renowned for its vast mountainous regions which play a critical role in the water supply for agriculture and hydropower generation. Managing these water resources is crucial for countries like Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Yet, data availability for accurate water supply forecasting from mountains is an issue in the region due to its highly heterogeneous terrain. Traditional methods of observing data, relying heavily on hydrological stations, often lack precision due to gaps in data collection and limited coverage. To bridge these gaps, a community-based approach has been introduced, utilizing local volunteers to collect snow depth data, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of water availability forecasts.

Innovative Community Participation

This project has engaged local communities directly in the data-gathering process to overcome the limitations of traditional data collection. Volunteers, equipped with only a ruler, measure snow depths every five days and submit their findings via the Telegram app, including geolocation and photographic evidence. This method expands data coverage and allows for real-time data collection, which is crucial for timely water management decisions.

Engagement and Methodology

The project utilizes a dedicated Telegram group,      which boasts over 12,000 subscribers. This ensures a diverse and extensive data collection network across various geographical terrains—from flat areas and deserts to high mountainous regions. Participants are strategically selected to represent different altitudes, ensuring the data reflects a comprehensive view of the region’s snowfall patterns. The questionnaire addressing the location and altitude of Telegram group members helped to identify those who live in mountainous terrains and from where the snow depth information is crucial to validate water forecasting methods.

Data Compilation and Results

Data collected through this community effort is meticulously compiled to create detailed maps illustrating snow depth across Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. These maps highlight observed and interpolated snow depths and are crucial for forecasting water availability. The project has seen a significant increase in observations, particularly from late January to the end of March 2024, indicating robust community engagement and valuable data accumulation.

What’s next?

The community-based snow depth observation project in Central Asia exemplifies the power of citizen science in environmental monitoring and resource management. It highlights the potential for community involvement in scientific endeavors and the benefits of such participation. However, it also underscores the ongoing need to improve observation methods and expand educational efforts to ensure data quality and consistency. This initiative contributes to more accurate water forecasts and fosters a sense of involvement and responsibility among local communities toward sustainable resource management.

While still evolving, this innovative approach provides a blueprint for other regions facing similar challenges and underscores the importance of community involvement in environmental data collection. With the data on snow height collected through community support, we aim to validate operational cryosphere and water resources monitoring models, such as MODSNOW1, and to improve water forecasting quality in Central Asia and beyond.


In a recent gathering at the IWES office, esteemed expert in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering & Management, Prof. Salokhiddinov Abdulkhakim, shared invaluable insights on the pressing topic of climate change impacts on water resources in Central Asian countries.

The event, which brought together Uzbek professionals living in Berlin, provided a platform for meaningful discussion and learning. Prof. Salokhiddinov Abdulkhakim delivered an engaging presentation, shedding light on the challenges faced by the region’s water systems in the wake of climate change.

Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in dialogue with Prof. Salokhiddinov Abdulkhakim, deepening their understanding of the complex issues at hand. The exchange of ideas and expertise was enriching for all involved.

IWES extends heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their active involvement and contributions to the event. Special thanks are reserved for Prof. Salokhiddinov Abdulkhakim for his invaluable insights and expertise shared with the IWES community.

We are thrilled to announce that the IWES (Innovative Water and Environmental Solutions) team recently showcased their intellectual prowess at the “Zakovat” game held at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Germany.

On Saturday, April 13th, 2024, our team participated in this exciting event, competing against 20 other teams from various parts of Germany. Despite the stiff competition, we are proud to share that the IWES team secured an impressive 8th place.

The “Zakovat” game provided an excellent platform for our team to test their knowledge and problem-solving skills in a fun and challenging environment. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and gained valuable insights that will further enhance our commitment to delivering innovative solutions in the fields of water and environmental management.

We extend our gratitude to the organizers of the “Zakovat” game for hosting such a memorable event and congratulate all the participants for their outstanding performances. We also thank Azamat Fatkhullaev, Nurillokh and Nurmukhammad Abdurasulov for participating in this game together with the IWES team.

Stay tuned for more updates and highlights from the IWES team’s endeavors as we continue to make positive contributions to environmental sustainability and beyond.

On March 15th, 2024, our founder, Dr. Abror Gafurov took part in a pivotal event organized by USAID, ECSP, and Integra Government Services International, LLC at the Willson Centre to mark the conclusion of the Operational Snow Monitoring using MODSNOW in Central and South Asia project.

The event showcased groundbreaking advancements in water security, with a particular focus on the innovative MODSNOW tool. Dr. Abror Gafurov, delivered an informative presentation on the capabilities and impact of the MODSNOW tool in revolutionizing snow monitoring and hydrological forecasting in the Central and South Asian regions.

Distinguished guests, including Ambassadors Baktybek Amanbaev, Farrukh Hamralizoda, and Sridhar Khatri, as well as esteemed experts such as Änjali Kaur, Lauren Herzer Risi, Mary Melnyk, Sherri Goodman, and Dr. Eric Rudenshiold, joined the event to share invaluable insights and perspectives on water security challenges and solutions in the region.

The panel discussion delved into the critical threats facing water resources in Central and South Asia, emphasizing the far-reaching implications for energy, food security, and stability. Attendees gained invaluable knowledge on how the deployment of the MODSNOW tool is bolstering water security efforts and mitigating risks in the region.

Missed the event? Don’t worry! You can catch up by watching the event recording here https://bit.ly/4acog9Q

Innovative Water and Environmental Solutions (IWES) is proud to announce its collaboration with Hydrosolutions (Switzerland) on the SAPPHIRE project – Smart & Precise Prognostic Hydrology for Innovative Risk Management and Resource Use Efficiency in Central Asia. Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation, this groundbreaking initiative aims to revolutionize hydrological monitoring systems across Central Asia.

Despite previous investments in Central Asian National Hydromets (CA NMHS), institutions have faced challenges in leveraging new technologies to their full potential. IWES recognizes the critical need to address these issues, particularly in processing data from modern gauging stations and optimizing high-frequency data management for accurate hydrological forecasts.

The SAPPHIRE project kickoff workshop, held in Bishkek from April 13–14, 2023, marked the beginning of this transformative journey. Dr. Abror Gafurov actively participated in discussions aimed at enhancing hydrological services through improved data processing and control mechanisms.
Over the course of the 4-year project, IWES will work closely with Hydrosoltuions to implement cutting-edge tools and methodologies. Initially focusing on the Kyrgyz NMHS, Hydrosolutions with IWES aim to achieve significant advancements in operational hydrology workflows before extending these innovations to Kazakh, Uzbek, and Tajik NMHS.

Source: https://www.hydrosolutions.ch/news/sapphire-central-asia-project-kickoff-workshop

Innovative Water and Environmental Solutions, along with Dr. Abror Gafurov, Dr. Akmal Gafurov, and Mr. Friedrich Busch, conducted training sessions from February 27 to March 01, 2024, at the BASERA BOUTIQUE HOTEL, Kathmandu, Nepal. This training, part of the Operational Snow Monitoring using MODSNOW in Central and South Asia project funded by USAID, aimed to introduce the MODSNOW Tool to the team Department of Hydrology and Meteorology in Nepal and other interested institutions across the country. Participants learned snowmelt and glacier melt analysis, hydrological forecasting methods, the interpretation of MODSNOW outputs and how the implementation of the MODSNOW Tool at DHM enhances water management and snow monitoring practices in Nepal.

A key outcome of the training was the implementation of the MODSNOW Tool at DHM, reinforcing the organization’s capacity to monitor and forecast snowmelt and glacier melt in the region. By leveraging MODSNOW, DHM is empowered to make informed decisions and optimize water management strategies for the benefit of Nepal’s communities and ecosystems.

We extend our sincere appreciation to all participants, lecturers, and partners for their dedication and contributions to the success of this training initiative. As we continue our journey towards sustainable water resource management, Innovative Water and Environmental Solutions remains committed to driving positive change and innovation in the field.

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