Assignment name:

SAPPHIRE project (Smart & Precise Prognostic Hydrology for Innovative Risk Management and Resource Use Efficiency in Central Asia)

Name of Client:

Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation

Duration of assignment (months):

Start date (month/year): May 2023

Completion date (month/year): Ongoing

Implementing partners, if any:


Country: Central Asian countries, with an emphasis on Kyrgyzstan

Role on the Assignment: Consultant

Description of Project:

The SAPPHIRE Central Asia Project is an initiative developed to address the issues faced by the Central Asian National Hydrometeorological Services in utilizing modern river discharge monitoring technologies. These institutions struggle with processing and operationalizing high-frequency data from an ever-increasing number of modern gauging stations. This deficiency limits their ability to optimally benefit from international investment and effectively manage hydrometeorological risks and water allocation.

Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:

  • MODSNOW update to accommodate data from the Digital Data Warehouse
  • MODSNOW processing of snow coverage data for high-priority pilot basin, processing of daily snow depth, snow water equivalent, and snowmelt data for selected high-priority pilot basin.
  • Hydrological forecast for the vegetation period and monthly scale for the pilot basin
  • Research and implement decadal (10-day) forecast option in MODSNOW and application for discharge forecasting at 3 high-priority rivers (one basin in each partner organization).

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