Bewertung des Bedarfs an Katastrophenvorsorge in Tadschikistan

IWES unterstützte die Weltbank bei der Hilfe für Tadschikistan und insbesondere das CoESCD, um geplante Aktivitäten besser zu zielen. IWES bewertete den Status mittels einer Bestandsaufnahme und identifizierte Bedürfnisse zur Modernisierung von Katastrophenkommunikations- und Informationstechnologiesystemen sowie zum Kapazitätsaufbau für Notfallreaktionen.

Auswirkungen des Qush Tepa-Kanals auf den landwirtschaftlichen Sektor in Usbekistan

Assignment name: Impact of the Qush Tepa Canal on the agricultural sector in Uzbekistan Name of Client: German Economic Team Duration of assignment (months): 6 Start date (month/year): January 2023 Completion date (month/year): June 2023 Implementing partners, if any: External Experts – Dr Ihtiyor Bobojonov, Dr. Maksud Bekchanov and Carolin Busch from Berlin Economics Country: Uzbekistan Role on the Assignment: Consultant Description of Project: On this project we prepared a[…]

Entwicklung einer Roadmap zur Verbesserung der Hydrometeorologischen und Multi-Gefahren-Frühwarnsysteme in Usbekistan

Assignment name: Strengthening Hydromet and Multi-hazard Early Warning Services in Uzbekistan. A Road Map   Name of Client: World Bank Duration of assignment (months): 8 Start date (month/year): April 2022 Completion date (month/year): October 2022 Implementing partners, if any: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) UKAID The Federal Department of Economic Affairs Swiss Confederation Country: Uzbekistan Role on the Assignment: Consultant Description of Project: The road map aims[…]

SAPPHIRE-Projekt (Smarte und präzise prognostische Hydrologie für innovatives Risikomanagement und Ressourceneffizienz in Zentralasien)

Assignment name: SAPPHIRE project (Smart & Precise Prognostic Hydrology for Innovative Risk Management and Resource Use Efficiency in Central Asia) Name of Client: Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation Duration of assignment (months): Start date (month/year): May 2023 Completion date (month/year): Ongoing Implementing partners, if any: Hydrosolutions Country: Central Asian countries, with an emphasis on Kyrgyzstan Role on the Assignment: Consultant Description of Project: The SAPPHIRE Central Asia Project is[…]

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